We are very proud to launch the 'New Batter' and 'New Branding' of the Panikeke logo and emblem, this will represent the core purpose of Panikeke and as a testimony for the future of Panikeke and its upcoming products.
The new Panikeke logo symbolizes the three hardworking years it has taken for our founder to finally refine the brand, with full confidence and to slowly start introducing new Panikeke products and product lines.
Our founder has learned through the many years of failures and triumphs and wholeheartedly believes that the Panikeke Batter is ready to be fried and tasted!
Here at Panikeke HQ we are proud to bring forth the new PANIKEKE!
Much Love and Appreciation  xo
- 'Iehu ko te tail' - Kiteli (founder of Panikeke)
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